Jan. 14, 7:30pm: Papilio plays for Halifax Contra Dances at All Nations Church, 2535 Robie St., Halifax

Apr. 19, 7:00pm, Spatz Theater, Halifax: “Spirit of Our Youth”, a music and dance presentation free and open to the public that I am producing as part of the Halifax Celtic Cultural Festival.

Apr. 21, 6:05pm-6:50pm, Halifax Forum: My band Papilio plays for the Halifax Celtic Cultural Festival.

May 13, 7:30pm: Papilio plays for Halifax Contra Dances at All Nations Church, 2535 Robie St., Halifax

June 7 - July 19: I was on sabbatical immersed in traditional Scandinavian music in Sweden. Follow my adventures on Facebook or Instagram.

June 9: I was grateful to receive a Professional Development Fellowship to help support my sabbatical in Sweden from Bravura Nova Scotia.

June 2023: I was honoured to be voted Teacher of the Year by the Nova Scotia Registered Music Teachers’ Association

July 18, 6pm, Tåstarps kyrka, Munka Ljunby, Sweden: Featured guest on concert of traditional Swedish tunes by Andreas Ralsgård and Markus Tullberg

July 23-28: I attended the Boxwood Festival in Lunenburg, NS, as I do every year for its wonderful musical enrichment in traditional and early music.

Sun. July 23, 2pm-3pm, Dartmouth Waterfront Park: Papilio plays a concert for the Dartmouth Sunshine Series. Free admission.

Tues. Aug. 1, 6:30pm-8pm, Halifax Public Gardens: Papilio plays a concert for the Cultural Concerts Series staged by the Friends of the Halifax Public Gardens. Free admission.

Sept. 11, 2023: Flute lessons and programming at the Halifax Institute of Traditional and Early Music resume for the fall.

Thurs. Oct. 26, 7:30pm, Manning Chapel, Acadia University, Wolfville NS: Performer in the Cobequid Project directed by Jude Pelley. “The Bay Runs Far Up”.

Oct. 28, 7:30pm: Papilio with special guest Alistair Maksym plays for Halifax Contra Dances at All Nations Church, 2535 Robie St., Halifax

Nov. 17-19, St. George’s Round Church, 2222 Brunswick St. Halifax: My Halifax Institute of Traditional and Early Music stages a faculty concert and an open house as part of the first annual Halifax Early Music Festival.

Nov. 21 - Dec. 3, Dalarna, Sweden: Working on collaborative performance project with musician colleagues, and teaching North American traditional tunes at Sjövik music college.
Imorgon fredag den 1 december klockan 19.00 blir det konsert på Humlebackens kulturhus, Bäsinge 19! Det är två band som kommer spelar, med fri entré och fikaförsäljning.
The Halifax Rättvik project
Stefan Ekedahl (SE) cello, flöjt
Jennifer Publicover (CA) flöjt
Peter Rousu elbas (SE), gitarr
Premiärframträdande. En idé om en resa från Rättvik till Halifax föddes i somras under Stämmoveckan i Rättvik. En idé om en musikalisk tur som får sin start i och med denna konsert. Trion bjuder på traditionell musik hämtad från Rättvik som tar vägen via Europas kustländer till Kanada.
Försöket i köket
Eveline Sätterqvist: sång, perc
Elias Derwinger Hallberg: sång, perc
Ida Wiklander: nyckelharpa, gitarr
Lydia Rosén: fiol
Lexx Jenke: bas, tvärflöjt
Oscar Jonsson: bas
Carl Henriksson: slagverk
Ända från Halland upp till Hälsingland. Ner till Gotland och rakt in i hjärtat av Sverige, Stockholm. "Försöket i köket" är 7 glada folkmusiker från Sjövik folkhögskola, med rötter runt om i Sverige som spelar allt från latin jazz till traditionell svensk folkmusik.

Dec. 16, 7:00pm, St. George’s Round Church, 2222 Brunswick St.: Nordic holiday concert in trio Harpaflöjt with Kirsty Money, nyckelharpa, and Alistair Maksym, keyboards. https://www.facebook.com/events/1279819049371263/?ref=newsfeed
Join the trio of Jennifer Publicover (flute), Alistair Maksym (keyboard), and Kirsty Money ( nyckelharpa) for a journey from summer to winter in Sweden, with a few other well loved Christmas gems. Tickets $25 reg, $15 students and seniors, $50 for families of four or more, children 12 and under are free. Tickets can be bought online at kirstymoney.ca via PayPal, or in person at the door before the show.

Dec. 2023, on Spotify and other streaming platforms: The release of New Scotland, a 23-minute collaborative album between David Shoults of Little Symphony Records and myself.